A streamlined Management Information System

Facility MIS

Our streamlined management information system, Facility, supports your school in creating a better future for students

As a dedicated management information system for Irish schools, Facility has an unrivalled pedigree. It’s a rich, proven solution embedded in hundreds of post-primary schools. You can rely on Facility to deliver every time

This solution consists of three main elements: Administration, Scheduler and ePortal.  

Key Benefits


Customisable Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Users can define their own fields/tabs to record any data they wish



Customers can have bespoke assessment templates & reports designed to meet their specific school needs 


Feature rich

Users can link word/pdf documents, export data in many different formats, send texts/e-mails, synchronise with PPOD and more

Facility Administration

Facility Administration is the foundation of this system, allowing back-office staff to maintain student records and manage the running of the school. As a configurable Management Information System (MIS) working with a single database, it enables schools not only to manage sensitive data, but also to analyse data in one place. This innovation has the capabilities to manage learner attendance, performance, behaviour, student option bands, keep record of all student documents and make light work of managing the complexities of supervision. With this technology, you are enabled to stay on top of day to day activities to ensure the smooth running of the school. Staff can customise the MIS extensively and you’ll be able to automate many every-day, time-consuming manual processes.  

Keeping in contact

Communication with parents is straightforward with Facility’s email and SMS capabilities. You’re able to provide parents with the relevant information for their child and their educational journey. Staff and parents can easily and securely access the information they need within ePortal, improving communication across the school. This can be tailored to the needs of the individual school. For example, tailored notice board communication groups to include the addition of attached documents and student alerts sent to staff directly through ePortal.

Meeting compliance expectations

You’re also compliant - simple synchronisation with PPOD (Post-Primary Online Database) is built-in whilst Facility is also compatible with legislative changes as they arise. This solution supports you to be inspection ready with the easy retrieval of reports.

Reporting capabilities

Facility’s reporting capability is extensive and report creation straightforward. An extremely powerful reporting engine sits at the heart of the solution and allows you to gain detailed insight into your school and student performance. For example, assessment reports, behaviour analysis, TULSA attendance reports, payments reporting through to easily generated student lists and mailing labels.

You don’t have to conform to the constraints of your current MIS; Facility Administration gives schools the freedom to choose how they process and manage data in a way that suits individual school needs.

Facility ePortal

Facility Administration keeps your back office activities moving smoothly but Facility ePortal is where teachers get access to this rich data. ePortal is a web-based front end which gives teachers access to record and analyse live attendance, results and behaviour data, making life quicker and easier. It’s a powerful, online gateway to your data, providing access to relevant, real-time information quickly and easily online, with no paperwork.

Student behaviour

Student behaviour can be logged in the classroom so details of positive and negative instances can be recorded without additional administration and delay. From keeping track of positive engagement and merits, through to keeping a record of more concerning activities, you can capture, categorise and provide commentary which might otherwise be lost. Escalations, including detentions, can be initiated quickly and easily.

Visibility and clarity

Visibility is dramatically increased - teachers can see a complete record of student performance, attendance and behaviour from anywhere. Enhanced tracking and analysis of continuous assessment data means that all staff can easily see who is below target and to continuously assess students’ progress. Principals and Deputies can see an overview of any aspect of the school in order to judge progress, review current and plan new strategies. They can also drill down through data increasing visibility across the school. 

Facility Scheduler

Scheduler is Facility’s timetabling capability.  It enables you to create a timetable, experiment with it and find the best fit for the school. You can create simple or complex timetables, depending on your school’s needs (for example, restrictions/constraints for staff / room availability, multiple site/shared resource timetables; 2 week timetables; subject rotations for taster subjects rotating automatically throughout the year).

Creating and maintaining your timetable is a complex and time-consuming job. With Facility Scheduler, there are dramatic time savings, especially as all the data required does not need to be entered and can be easily exported from Facility Administration. Associating teachers & subjects, pre & post-scheduling reports, multiple views, drag & drop resources, data exports and online timetables via ePortal mean that the complex chore of timetabling is simplified.  The biggest challenges can be swiftly identified and prioritised, with the Scheduler solution doing much of the heavy lifting and significantly decreasing the time and effort previously required to create the timetable.